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Duration: 30 mins
Pain Level: 2/5
Downtime: none
Cost: $$$$
Results Start: 10-14 days
Results Last: 4-6 Months
What is Juvederm?
Juvederm is a collection of 5 dermal fillers that can add volume to plump lips, smooth lines, or lift & contour cheeks.
What is Treatment Like?
As with any Hyaluronic Acid (HA) based dermal filler, Juvederm is injected into the patient's skin at the treatment area to smooth out smile lines, acne scars, facial folds and overall volume to skin. Each Juvederm product in the collection offers a variant of the original formula to target certain results such as stability, long lasting, filling ability, etc. Depending on the particular product that you choose, the injection my be shallow, deep, and vary in the number of injection sites.
What are the treatment Benefits?
Once injected, you may benefit from the following:
smooth, firm skin
reduced fine lines
minimize wrinkles and naso-labial folds
reduce certain types of moderate to severe acne scarring
minimal to no downtime
less treatments (longer lasting results in some cases)
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